Hello my name is Hannah and I am from Austria. I like swimming and meeting my friends. I am really interested in sports especially in swimming and I never wrote a blog before. So I am not really sure what people are interested in but I will try to write about swimming and also about sports in common. I hope you are going to like my texts which are going to be online soon.
4 ArticlesEmilyS
Hello, my name is Emily and this is my first blog. During my freetime I enjoy playing the piano, baking, and a lot more. I believe in education because it is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world (-Nelson Mandela). Knowledge is very important to me because without it it's hard to form your own opinion about something. If I could change anything in the world, I'd end war to save many innocent lives and many more people from having to flee.
4 ArticlesLorenzM
Hello! My name is Lorenz and I'm definetly not an experienced blogger.Still I try to share my view on the world with you. I love cooking, meeting with my friends and doing sports. My blog entries will mostly be related to these things, but I've other Ideas to share as well. Have fun reading! Lorenz
4 ArticlesMaren
I am Maren and I am not that experienced, but anyway I have a strong opinion about what is going on in the world. In my free time I love to ride my bike. Other passions of mine are cooking and sleeping. -I believe that love and respect can make the world a better place. -If I were almighty, I would want all the Millennium Development Goals to be reached by today.
4 Articles
I believe that everybody should be able to share their opinion. Although in many countries it has improved there is still a lot of work to do. People should respect each other's opinions and shouldn't immediatley judge them, everybody is different and special in their own way. You shouldn't be judged on how you look or where you come from, not even by your religion nor your gender. Opinions don't just come from nothing, there is a reason that they are the way they are. Behind every person is a story, a story that probably changed the way they think and live and only a few others know it. Don't judge someone if you don't know their's.
4 ArticlesFelix
Hello my name is Felix and I'm Austrian. I still go to school. I like doing sports and meeting friends. I'm really into sports and I am a huge soccer fan but I'm interested in other topics too. Like politics, reading and I can basically state my opinion to every topic. I think sports really can bring people that have never met before together. Friendships are being made but also the opposite can happen.
4 Articles
My name is Sara. I spend my time dancing, reading and traveling. I am a huge cat fan and also love playing instrument. In my life I have traveled a lot (mostly in Asia), so my blogs will mainly be about my experiences around the world. I'm a strong-willed person but I am always open to new things. I belive in giving people second chances and that you can reach almost anything, if you try hard enough and most importantly really want it. I have many goals, which seem to change a lot, some however are consistant: It has always been my dream to have been in each continent once. I also believe in taking chances when you get the oppertunity, as it might never come again. I really hope you will enjoy reading my blogs!:)
4 Articles
My name is Rosa and my interests are mainly sports, dogs and science. My blogs will mainly be about these topics but I might also share my opinions and views about what is going on in the world at the moment. I love editing videos too so maybe I might share one or two in the future. I regularly take my dog to competitions and may take you along on the way. I have strong beliefs about some topics but always try to stay open to different views and willing to rethink. I hope you’ll enjoy reading my blogs!
4 ArticlesThomas
Hello, my name is Thomas and I am from Austria. I interested in sports & traveling. I really like skiing, soccer and tennis. I am still in school and have no experience with blogging. I believe that the world can be changed to a more positive way, but not immediately, but in a few years.
4 Articles
I am a young lady from Austria and I love doing all kind of stuff. Firstly, I love traveling and taking pictures from the wonderful countries there are in this world. I would describe myself as a very happy and easily amused person. Thirdly, I am always up for sports, doesn't matter what kind. What else is really important to me is spending time with the people I love like my family and friends. I hope you have fun with my blogs and I can somehow help you!
4 Articles
Mrs. Pö
I am the lucky English teacher of these great kids. I believe that my students have a LOT to say that should not just rot away in their homework books. I strongly believe that good teaching starts with the REAL questions and hot issues on my students' minds. We want to tackle these in this blog. Other than being an English teacher I believe that the world will be a better place if we treat each other with respect and take good care of our planet. For this reason I ride my bike whereever I can, I am vegetarian and a critical consumer. Note, that I said "the world WILL be a better place"... I am an optimist -- and I would like to be the change that I want to see in the world.
3 ArticlesClara
My name is Clara and I've never written a blog before. I like to do sports,spend time with my friends and I love to travel. A very wise man (Nelson Mandela) once said:"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." I believe that is very true. I want to do something which will make the world at least a bit better. I also think you shouldn't judge anything unless you have informed yourself about it. I don't believe in world peace. Even if I would love this to happen I know it'll never be this way. I think even though we all have different beliefs, races and interests we're all equal. Since I was a child I have always questioned everything and I will never stop doing that. My posts will mainly be about politics environment and traveling. I hope you like it!
3 ArticlesMoritzD
HI I am Moritz and this is the first time that I post something on a blog. My interests lay mostly on trying new Things and Meeting new people. I for myself think that there is way too much hate in this world. I hope that someday everyone can live their lifes and be the way they want to be...
3 ArticlesNicoleO
My name is Nicole and I enjoy drawing, animating, archery, science and learning languages. I will be blogging mainly about these topics, but some of my entries will express one or two of my ambitions I am hoping to achieve in near future. Concerning my goals, I would like to have competed in at least one archery championship and be able to speak at least one of the foreign languages I am learning fluently. Although there are several topics I am extremely opinionated about, I try my best to stay open-minded.
3 ArticlesDorothea
My name is Dorothea The things that are important for me are • My family • Dancing • Drawing • Friendship I also like swimming and going to the cinema. I believe that everyone in the world should have the same rights and should get a good education, enough food, and a good working place.
3 ArticlesSalomé
Hello my name is Salomé and I want to share my opinion, beliefs and knowledge with YOU! My future blog entries will cover the topics: food, fashion, lifestyle and my beliefs. I believe in equality between women & men, black & white, animals & humans, equality between everyone. I believe in love, in education, in me and YES, I believe in YOU!
3 ArticlesAnnaN
I don't believe in hatred. Hatred, killing who you truly are. I believe in love. Love, shared by everybody, love, saving everybody. I don't believe in war. War, destroying everything,even hopes. I believe in peace. Peace which borns new hopes, new lives. I don't believe in many things, among them are the spoken words, the actions. I believe in the written ones. They can save you, they can listen to you. That's why I love writing. Writing is safety, peace. This is what I believe in. ☮
3 Articles

I’m Eli and I’ve had a blog since I was 10 years old. I love making videos, magazines, or anything that has to do with being creative. That's why I’d like to be a journalist one day. In addition, I’m a glitter lover and a total travel addict.
3 Articles
Hey there! I am a student, currently in 9th grade, and this is my first time writing a blog. I normally don’t share my thoughts and opinions on the internet but my school is forcing me to :D My favorite thing in the entire world is food! Doesn’t matter what, doesn’t matter where food always makes life better.
3 Articles
Hey there! How are you?;) The goal of my blogs is that you get inspired and maybe also get interested in the topics I’m writing about. I like to question things and I am interested in psychology. I am an active girl and I like adventures, sports, watching sunsets,cooking, playing the piano etc.. So basically everything which is not boring stuff like just sitting on the couch and watching TV. Instead of doing that you can for example just read one of my blogs?;) They are not perfect, cause nobody and nothing is, but the topics I am writing about really interest me and I also want to convince you from my ideas and just say how I feel about it.
3 Articles
Hello there! I am a student visiting the 9th grade in Austria. Outside of school I love to do sports, especially dancing and playing 'Ultimate Frisbee'. I am definitely not an experienced blogger but I'd like to start sharing my opinion with the world. :)
3 Articles
Hello! I’m a student in 9th grade. I love doing sports and especially volleyball. I adore spending time with my friends and family. I have never written a blog before but as I have to do it for English class I’m writing some now. I'm very interested in sports, food, music and tv shows but less in natural sciences like biology and chemistry.
3 Articles
I'm a student and a fan of good music, sea otters and racoons. I'm a big supporter of equality.
3 Articles
I’m quoting other people because they are just so much better at finding words for how I feel.
3 Articles

I am a student and I spend half my live binge-watching TV shows and reading books. (Actually it’s more than half but I had to write it since my teacher is able to see this!) I’m not able to function without music or wifi, for that matter. I hope, whoever is reading this, likes my blog posts and just so you know, feedback and comments are greatly appreciated.
3 ArticlesStefanH
My name is Stefan. I am 14 years of age. I like cycling, photography and computers. I speak German, English, Spanish and a bit of French.
3 Articles
Hi, my name is Kalkidan and currently I am in 9th grade. I like doing any kind of sports because I think that you can only have a fit mind if you have a fit body. I am a very spiritual person and I try to realize everything that is happening around me. In my free time I like doing yoga and i love playing basketball and swimming. As a feminist, i believe that younger generations should be thought different so that they know that women are strong individuals that should have equal rights as men. I am support women's empowerment, I am an animal's rights activist and I try to be informed about important topics that affect me to have my own personal opinion about everything. I refuse to be ignorant and stand up for what I believe.
3 Articles
Hey, my name is Eleni. I love doing sports especially Sportacrobatics. I also really enjoy hiking with my family and doing other things with my friends. The Topics I am most interested in are Sports, Food, and other physical activities. I love Autumn and especially Christmas so I actually look forward to Christmas all year long.
3 Articles
I'm a student, brother, hockey player, surfer and traveler, 15 years of age, half Italian and half Austrian, I spent the last school-year in Toronto, Canada and speak German, Italian, English, French and very little Spanish. I really like spending time with friends, seeing new places and meeting new people. What I don't like is arrogance, racism and all kinds of bullying.
3 ArticlesEliasMK
My name is Elias. I love doing sports, listening to music (all different kinds), and I am very interessted in history. This is the first time I blog, so please correct me, if I did something wrong, or used incorrect information. I will write about : What if, at least once, but I will also write about something else, like sports.
2 Articles

Hello. I’m a student at a school and I’m a fan of several TV shows, some movies and also good music. I don’t like One Direction (except Harry, the force is strong with him). Sometimes I go to Amazon and look at Lightsabers, which I could never buy because they are expensive and I generally don’t like Amazon. Also I’m a potato.
2 Articles
Hello. I´m 15 years old. I´m a fan of ice cream. Recently I´ve been interested in fair trade a lot. My hobbies include playing volleyball and spending time with my friends. Once during playing activity I had to mime lactose intolerant. I like singing, but mostly to myself. :)
2 Articles
Hey, my name is Anna G. I love doing sport, especially Orienteering and running. During my free time I like playing the piano or do something with my friends. On holidays or weekends I often go hiking or Mountain biking with my family or friends. The topics I'm interesting in is food, sports, music and I love the summer, because the sun shines and you can be outside for the whole day.
2 Articles
Hello!! My name is Ajap and I am from Turkmenistan (that's a country in Asia). I play the piano and love listening to music from Michael Jackson and Hans Zimmer. I love to play and watch football and other sports.
2 Articles

Hello! My name is Doki. I really enjoy to do sports and listen to good music. I like to visit new places and if I could I would immediately go on a world tour ;) I love anything that has got to do someting with food, weather it is baking, cooking or eating. I am interested in journalism and history, also I like languages. Well I'd say thats enough information on me. Have fun reading this great blog :)
2 ArticlesLilly
Hey! My name is Lilly and I have never really blogged before this. In this blog I aim at maybe changing someone’s view at something by sharing my own. Some of my favorite topics are America, my experiences so far with signing up for the exchange, sports and friends. I will definitely write about these topics, but will also try to include other things as well. If I were a millionaire, I would donate half my money to UNICEF, because I believe they are a very reliable organization and do well with the money given to them to help other people. By this I would also try to become an UNICEF- ambassador, which I would like to be anyway, when I grow up. The best gift someone could ever give for me is probably a trip. Another topic that really concerns me is children’s rights. That is also the reason I would like to be a doctor one day, to maybe work in Africa, where I am most needed. I also really like sports, hanging around friends and laughing. If I could change something in school, I would get rid of all tests, because they don't do you any good and only stress you out.
1 Article
I'm very chaotic. My purpose in the world is to give my best for a world full of peace and love. Health is an important topic for me, I also like food, you can easily connect these topics. I'm also very interested in sports, especially ultimate frisbee. I don't know much about politics but I know that I don't like Donald Trump.
1 Article
Lietzenz Lietziboy
I`m a young boy from Austria. I love sports, especially football. I like spending time with my friends or play the guitar. I`m a part time League of Legends player and I love Blues and Rock. #LesFancyBoyz
1 ArticleLillyE
My Name is Lilly. I have never written a blog before, but I'll try my best at writing. I really enjoy reading and doing all kinds of Sports, I also love to learn about new things, for example old and forgotten cultures, or biology and physicks. My entries will be about all kinds of topics, but manly about the destroyal of our world. Even though I am for taking care of our planet, I am not a vegetarion, because my family's style of living wouldn't allow it. I try to be an optimist.
1 Article