All posts by AnnaH

Stage fright and how to overcome it- A guide for a good presentation

Everyone who was or is in school and had to do some sort of presentation, knows how frightening it can be to stand in front of a group of people and talk.

Here are some tips on a good presentation and becoming more confident in such a situation.

The key element for a good presentation is: preparation.
You may, if you will, take some helping flashcards with you on stage, but don’t write your entire presentation on them. This will only confuse you and you will get stuck and panic when you don’t follow the sentences.
So: Use key-words, plan your cards in an organized way and prevent lots of words. Here, the key is simplicity.

Make yourself feel comfortable on stage
For the audience members it can get very annoying when the lecturer is nervous.
Signs of nervousness: Standing as stiff as a board, pulling on your clothes, waving around nervously with your arms…
try to become acquainted and aware of your surroundings. Continue reading Stage fright and how to overcome it- A guide for a good presentation

What does changing your style and coloring your hair have to do with personality?

The trend of coloring your hair has not been around for such a long time. In fact, it didn’t come into fashion until the 1980’s and it’s a topic, not spoken about too often nowadays anymore. If coloring your hair is not really a big issue because almost everyone does it, why do people really want to change their style or their hair color? Continue reading What does changing your style and coloring your hair have to do with personality?