I think a lot of you have heard about the Ebola virus, but where does it come from, how is it transmitted and what effects does the illness have?
Ebola virus disease (EVD), also known as Ebola hemorrhagic fever, is a severe illness in humans and animals. It first appeared in 1976 in a region near to the Ebola River giving the disease its name. The biggest epidemic of Ebola started in the end of 2013 in West Africa, more precise in Guinea. From there it spread to Liberia, Sierra Leona, Mali, Nigeria and other West African countries. The epidemic was going on for over two years causing a high death toll of 11325.
What caused the epidemic and how is Ebola transmitted? Continue reading Ebola →
I think all of you have heard about the current refugee crisis in Austria that started in 2014. It is a hot topic in Austria but also in other European countries and there are a lot of different opinions about this issue.
What is it like being a refugee?
Most refugees flee from war-torn countries where there are no proper health systems, no education and destroyed infrastructure. Furthermore, most of these people are very poor and want a future for themselves and their children. They decide to flee and often experience horrible things on their way to the European countries. For example, a lot of them have seen people drowning or have lost one of their loved ones. When they finally cross the Austrian border most of them are traumatized by their experiences. Continue reading Refugees in Austria →
Have you ever thought about who produces your clothes?
We all know that most of the clothes we buy are produced in foreign countries. But why do companies produce their clothes in other countries? Firstly, the laws are different in foreign countries. For example, they have lower minimum wages, more working hours are possible and child labor is accepted. Even though the global brands are making millions in profit, the workers are not paid a living wage. In Asia, over 15 million people are employed in the garment industry. The majority of the world`s garment workers are women. Continue reading Do you know where your clothes come from? →
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