I personally think that a student at the age of 14 should start to learn about politics in school, especially because he or she is allowed to vote at the age of 16. Continue reading Political Studies as an obligatory subject
All posts by Koko
My privately organized exchange to the Mid-West + some Advices to help you out if you are considering doing that, too.
I just came back from a two month exchange to Iowa. It was a great time and I want to share this experience with you.
Last year we had an exchange student in our class. His name was Pete, he lived with an older kid I happened to know. We spent a lot of time together and he came up with the idea that I should visit him. At the end of his trip, his mom came over and she made it official: I was going to go to the states! Continue reading My privately organized exchange to the Mid-West + some Advices to help you out if you are considering doing that, too.