What does changing your style and coloring your hair have to do with personality?

The trend of coloring your hair has not been around for such a long time. In fact, it didn’t come into fashion until the 1980’s and it’s a topic, not spoken about too often nowadays anymore. If coloring your hair is not really a big issue because almost everyone does it, why do people really want to change their style or their hair color?

I think that when people want to change their style it’s a very personal issue, at least it should be, because you should look and dress in a way you feel comfortable. Very often, people want to dress the same way as a person they look up to, like a famous star, or sometimes just a teacher or a mentor, but many times clothing, especially in school or in your teen years, depends on what role you have in school or in a group and your surroundings.

In girl groups there is always one “leader”, she often decides what is in, what she wears and every other girl in the group wears too, or even the clothing of girls who are outsiders and want to be included in her group. So I see all these “other” girls as sort of followers that either want to be the “leader’s” best friend or want to impress her, so they dress or even try to be like her. I don’t think that’s right; in my opinion, everyone should have their own personality and everyone should dress the way they want and should only want to impress themselves. When you look in the mirror you should see a person that resembles  no one else but yourself .

Style and individuality are two very important things for me.
I’ve recently thought about coloring my hair, because this is something that I’ve always wanted to do. I want to do it because I like it and I think it would look quite cool. Some people think that I shouldn’t do it, because, in their opinion it wouldn’t look good on me, or because it’s not good for your body. But sometimes, I have the feeling people want to make feel others insecure by telling them that something they want is not a good idea or just wouldn’t look good.
But then I think, why do I care about what others think about my style?

This is something I have complete control over. And I also think that one can make a statement or improve their self-confidence by changing their style. In my opinion, coloring your hair  is a very brave thing to do, and if you want to do it, don’t think too long, otherwise you’ll never do it. Do what makes you feel comfortable and special, what makes you say, yes I look good, and makes you forget what others think about you.  Because in the end, the only opinion that counts is YOURS!


Anna J. H. 5c



One thought on “What does changing your style and coloring your hair have to do with personality?”

  1. As this cool blog is talking about how coloring your hair became a thing in the 1980s. You think that changing your style, like hair color, is a personal thing. You say it’s all about feeling comfy and being yourself.
    The blog also talks about how sometimes people copy what others are doing, especially in groups. They call it being a “follower” or a “leader.” Like, if someone cool in your group decides what to wear, everyone else copies them. But I don`t think the same because in my friendgroup everybody wears what he or she like to wear. Like the author I don`t like that friends copy something from other friends because in my opinion erveryone should wear what he or she wants.

    I think that the main idea is that coloring your hair is a brave and cool thing to do. Even if some people say it’s not a good idea, I think you should do what makes you happy. The writer says your own opinion is the most important one and I completely agree with him. So, if you want to color your hair, just go for it and don’t worry too much about what others think!

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