Dear Mister President,
These are not only the first three words of my blog post. It’s also the three first words and the title of a song written by the singer Pink. I might say that her, in my opinion critical song, which was an open letter to former US President George W. Bush, inspired me a bit. It got me thinking that an open letter to you dear Mister President, would be perfect.
Well first of all, dear Mister President, I am sorry for you. If I were you I wouldn’t feel like a real president. You must face the truth more people voted for your opponent than for you, dear Mister President. More people wished to see another person living in the White House. Less people wanted to be stuck with you, dear Mister president for the next four years. Continue reading An open letter to the American President →
I personally think that a student at the age of 14 should start to learn about politics in school, especially because he or she is allowed to vote at the age of 16. Continue reading Political Studies as an obligatory subject →
Strangers are friends you don’t know yet!
We all know that the current refugee crisis has not been solved. People from Syria, Afghanistan, East and West Africa are coming to Europe in hope to start a new, better life than in their home countries. I really want to talk about this topic because the news don’t really talk about it that often, although the refugees are not getting less!
Continue reading Refugees and politics in Austria →
I think all of you have heard about the current refugee crisis in Austria that started in 2014. It is a hot topic in Austria but also in other European countries and there are a lot of different opinions about this issue.
What is it like being a refugee?
Most refugees flee from war-torn countries where there are no proper health systems, no education and destroyed infrastructure. Furthermore, most of these people are very poor and want a future for themselves and their children. They decide to flee and often experience horrible things on their way to the European countries. For example, a lot of them have seen people drowning or have lost one of their loved ones. When they finally cross the Austrian border most of them are traumatized by their experiences. Continue reading Refugees in Austria →
What would have happened, if America hadn’t been discovered by Columbus? This question might have been repeatedly asked by historians (or philosophers) countless times. I’m not a historian myself, but I too ask myself that question at least three times per week. Therefor I think this is a very interesting topic to write about.
Before I start, I just want to tell you that this is my OWN opinion. Continue reading What, if it weren’t for America →
On Monday, the 23rd of May, the 9th president of the second republic in Austria was elected. That inspired me to write about the elections 2016.
You might have heard, that on the 22nd of May the new president of Austria was elected. All in all, Alexander van der Bellen is the 9th president in the second republic, which was founded in 1945 after the Second World Warded. Many voters say, that these elections were the most thrilling ones. Continue reading The Austrian presidential election →
Don`t you come across strange stories every day and question their truth? These so called conspiracy theories are a tricky topic to talk about. On the one hand they can be kind of fun to read, because it is just hilarious what people can think of. On the other hand, these ideas can also be dangerous. Most of us are critically thinking persons and don’t believe everything we read on the internet, whereas a rather big part of the society doesn’t question information they get. Why is that? In fact, news can be so painful or traumatic that documented truths are discarded and people are brainwashed through this form of manipulation. Part of the appeal of conspiracy theories is their simplicity, they give easy answers to controversial topics. Of course it is tempting to just take the most comfortable solution for multifaceted issues, but is it really the right thing to do? I think to forge an opinion is a unique feature we have as humans, but that doesn’t mean we can just believe take one source and echo the information to our surrounding, it takes a little bit more than that.
Continue reading Are conspiracy theories really as harmless as we think? →
Austria and Afghanistan are extremely different. First of all, Afghanistan is one of the least developed countries in the world, whereas Austria is one of the richest ones. This text is going to cover the basics of both countries. Furthermore, it is about the war in Afghanistan Continue reading The War in Afghanistan Must Be Stopped →
What we think and what we do…