Category Archives: Körösi

Bad Neighbours

Have you ever had that situation when your neighbours are loud, and noise and you don’t know what to do? Thats what is my problem at the time. We just moved to a new house. It’s really big with a nice backyard and a second floor with a balcony. My brother and I have our own rooms now and it’s just phenomenal. My room is on the second floor, and I have my own en suite bathroom. What’s more we have a garage for our car.

So, our neighbours are very noisy, for example they often have parties in the evening and at night. Another thing is that they often hear music very loudly and much more stuff like just not beeing kind.

I personally think it’s not nice of them to be so thoughtless about their neighbours and just completely forget that they are not the only one living in the neighborhood. Someone really has to go to them and tell them that are loud and noise so they stop. Otherwise I think I should call the police.

Or what’s your opinion about that? Maybe one of you can help me.

Noisy Neighbors are just annoying!

Do you like pure silence? I do! But I am not having it at home, because my new neighbors are very noisy

All started as we moved in our dream-house on the outskirts of our favorite city Vienna. It is a huge house with a nice yard and a pretty good location with a lot of infrastructure. We have our dream kitchen there. So, we can cook together. Further we have a huge chill area outside, were everyone of our family can sit in the summer and enjoy nice BBQ cooked by my father.

I mean hopefully we will enjoy. Because at the moment we are not able to enjoy anything. Our neighbors are just noisy all the time without even a single break. They always arguing and shouting and yelling at each other for no reason.

I am not feeling very good about it because they have a little child, which hears everything they talk about and there are a lot of very strong swear words. I feel very sorry for him because he has no one he can talk to. Sometimes they scream that loud at each other that I can’t concentrate doing my homework so I decided to come over and ask them if they could be quiet but then they screamed at me.

So, what do you think I can do against them? Should I even call the police? Or will they say that everyone is having a argument sometimes? Let’s keep the conversation going and answer me please.

My New Home

Do you love your home? I do not! I mean I like the house we are living in but not the people there.  

At first I will describe our new house to you. We have a big garden and also two big balconies with a pool and so much space for flowers and to play something in the garden like volleyball. Inside the house everything is beige and white, because this are the favorite colours of me and my mom. We have three big bedrooms, one for me, one for my parents and one for friends, if they want to stay at our house. We have a big kitchen, wich is really my dream kitchen. And then we have to bathrooms and also a big workspace for my dad, becaus he works from home most of the time. 

So all of this sounds pretty perfect, but one thing is really sad. We hate our Neighbours. The people we are living next door with are so mean and noisy. Last week I couldn’t sleep three days in row because they played music so late in the evening. So, my dad went to them, but they didn’t open the door. We have seen them at least two times in the last month we are already living here. And when we spoke to them, they were very mean every time. 

So, my opinion about this situation is that if it is not getting better, we really must do something. We also must go to the police I do not really know at this point. 

But what is your opinion about our living situation, please answer. 

Bad Neighbours

Have you ever had that situation when your neighbours are loud, and noise and you don’t know what to do? Thats what is my problem at the time. We just moved to a new house. It’s really big with a nice backyard and a second floor with a balcony. My brother and I have our own rooms now and it’s just phenomenal. My room is on the second floor, and I have my own en suite bathroom. What’s more we have a garage for our car. 

So, our neighbours are very noisy, for example they often have parties in the evening and at night. Another thing is that they often hear music very loudly and much more stuff like that. 

Noisy neighbours

Do you want to live in the silence? Well, I do but my neighbors are very loud.

I moved with my parents in my dream house its more like in an urban area. So that you can get to the city in like 15 minutes by car. It hasn’t got the down sides of an apartment in the city like high prices for living space, that its always loud or the the air isn’t so good because of the many cars and most of the time you don’t even have a garden. My new house is mostly built out of wood and I really like it. It also has a really big garden with a nice swimming pool and an outdoor kitchen with a nice sauna to relax. Inside there is a nice long hallway that faces directly to the garden. In there I have five bedrooms and five en suite bathrooms as well as a big kitchen a nice living room and an awesome cinema for 20 persons.

The neighbors are really noisy especially in the early in the morning and late at night. For example, they let their loud barking dog at 6 o’clock or they have party at their place until late at night.

I don’t want to be the bad the bad neighbor who calls the police on them but I often said to them that they should keep the noise down but it just helpt for like a week and then it went back to normal. What should I do now in my situation?