Our dream house, but noisy neighbours

Moving into our new house was supposed to be perfect. It was in a nice area with a big garden and lots of space. The kids were excited to have their own rooms, and we loved the cozy living space. However, our noisy neighbours soon spoiled it.

From the start, it felt like we were living next to a construction site. They play loud music at all hours, often until late at night, disturbing our sleep and making it hard for the children to study. On weekends, there are loud parties and shouting. Even simple things like watching a movie or having a quiet dinner are often ruined by the noise.

I feel frustrated and helpless about the situation. This is supposed to be our place of refuge, but the noise is stressing us out and affecting our lives. We don’t know how to deal with it without upsetting our neighbours, but something has to be done.

How would my English friends deal with it? Any advice on how to deal with it without making it worse would be great. Do you have any suggestions as to what I should do about this problem, perhaps you have experienced it yourself?