Tag Archives: sports

Heli-Skiing and Ice-Climbing








Hey guys! Today I’m writing my first blog entry and it’s about heli-skiing and ice-climbing. I read about it on the internet and must say that it sounds really awesome. Heli-skiing, also called helicopter skiing, is a type of free-riding, which involves a helicopter to access remote areas and slopes of powder snow.

Heli-skiing is actually nothing you would do for family-holidays. It’s more like an adventure trip for adults, because you have to be over the age of 19. You also have to be a good skier in order to get the permission to try heli-skiing.

I was thinking about the major consequences that would happen if everyone tried an experience like heli-skiing. My main point is that everyone can ski on slopes with no experience, but let us say that heli-skiing becomes a cool trend, then these untouched slopes will be as crowded as the normal ones. Continue reading Heli-Skiing and Ice-Climbing