Tag Archives: psychology

Can you see time?

As you might have learned from my first post, I like spending time on the Internet, especially on YouTube. As I was scrolling through ‘Popular on YouTube’ recently, a video called ‘Can you hear colors?’ from ‘Good Mythical Morning’ caught my attention. That’s how I found out about the phenomena called synesthesia.

Synesthesia is when one sense is automatically connected to another in your brain. For example when you hear the word ‘book’, you taste chicken, or when you see the number 3, you think of it as green. Only 1 in 2000 people have synesthesia and they are mostly women and left-handed. There are about 60 different types of synesthesia, but only a few cases could be well studied by scientists and doctors. Continue reading Can you see time?

Every Student’s Worst Enemy


What would you say is stopping you the most from being successful in school? Teachers who have their favorites? Jealous pupils? No. It’s procrastination. You can’t imagine how many days I’ve procrastinated writing this post and how much time I’ve spent on the internet looking at procrastination memes to prepare to write this text.

I’m sure every one of you has procrastinated at least once, whether it was doing homework, studying for a test or cleaning your room. Right now I am procrastinating studying for my Maths exam, Continue reading Every Student’s Worst Enemy

Do You Believe in an Afterlife?

Do You Believe in an Afterlife?

Have you ever thought about what happens to us after we die? When we discussed the afterlife as a topic in religious education, I was so into it. I did a lot of research on my own and even bought a book about this topic.

When I was little I used to believe that when you die you go to heaven, because this is what my parents and grandparents told me and yours probably, too. When I was about 10-13 I didn’t believe that anymore because it didn’t sound realistic to me at all. Continue reading Do You Believe in an Afterlife?