Why Blueberries Are Great

Everyone knows that blueberries are tasty, round blue fruit, which you can buy at the supermarket or pick in the forest. However, they are much more then just that: they are really healthy too.They were even rated as one of the healthiest foods by the “George Mateljan Foundation”, which is a foundation founded by George Mateljan who tries to find the healthiest foods.

So why are they so great? Well, first of all they contain a lot of bone-healthy Vitamin K, heart-healthy fiber and numerous compounds that together decrease consumers risk of several cancers.  Also they provide you with healthy cholesterol,  help lower blood pressure, and blood sugar levels. Another reason why you should eat them is that  blueberries  contain salicylic acid, which is the natural version of aspirin and which also is known to thin your blood and reduce pain. They also have a high amount of Vitamin C, which boosts our immune system. Most importantly they protect your body from damage caused by unstable molecules that can harm cellular structures and they can make you look younger.

Read more: https://www.care2.com/greenliving/12-surprising-reasons-to-eat-more-blueberries.html#ixzz48l9UHZoM


Fan Fact:

The origins of this wonderful fruit can be traced back to North America, Europe and Asia. The Native Americans referred to them as “Star Berries”, because of the five-point star shape on the blueberry’s top. They also thought blueberries were gifts from the holy spirits, to feed their children through famine.

Are there any reasons why not to eat blueberries?

No. Accept, maybe if their weird looks frighten you off. I mean, they do have a strange shape and color. I imagine alien-rain to look like this. Just big drops of dark-blue something.

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