All posts by StefanH

My name is Stefan. I am 14 years of age. I like cycling, photography and computers. I speak German, English, Spanish and a bit of French.

Why you should use Linux

Most of the people reading this article are probably reading it on a pc running windows. In fact almost 90% of all the pcs are running windows. But there are alternatives. Of course there is MacOS, but it is very similar to Windows in many Instances. One operating system which not many people use or even know is Linux. It is hard to describe, but Linux is actually not an operating system on its own which you can use kind of out of the box. There are hundreds of very different versions of Linux called “distributions”. They all are different operating systems based on different  which you have to install and use differently. The most renowned ones are: Ubuntu, Debian, OpenSUSE, Linux Mint and ArchLinux but there are many more, and you will definitely find one that fits your needs.   Continue reading Why you should use Linux