I personally like Coca Cola very much but it’s only good for you if you don’t drink it too often. Besides the fact that it contains tons of sugar and caffeine, one can of Cola contains the total amount of sugar you need in one day, its ingredients can wreak havoc on your body. An hour after drinking the beverage, a sugar crash will begin, causing drowsiness. In addition, your body will want to expel all the water from the Cola by urinating, along with the nutrients that are important for your health. Regular consumption of the main ingredients in Coke, fructose, corn syrup, refined salts and caffeine, can lead to higher blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity.
Of course drinking Coca Cola once or twice, or even maybe a little more often, a week won’t hurt you but a can or more a day will.
Scientists performed an experiment where they put a chicken bone, including meat and skin, into a glass of Coke. The next day all of the meat and skin had dissolved and all that was left was a mushy bone.
My personal insane experience with Coca Cola is when my mom cleaned our kitchen sink drain with it. Our drain had been stinking for weeks, since we don’t have a garbage disposal, and my mother read online that the acid in Coke will get rid of all the bacteria in the sink. We tried it out and it actually worked! Our sink hasn’t smelled bad since.